May the Lord cause you to OVERFLOWwith love for one another and for everyone, just as we do for you - 1 Thess 3:12
JOIN US Sunday Morning Bible study @ 9 am Wednesday Evening OVERFLOW @ 6 pm
Students in Action
Students from 7-12th grade make up our incredible Student Ministry. We do life together, share prayer needs, and worship as we grow in our faith and personal walk with Jesus. We love to bring in fun and games as well as community events and outreach as we win hearts for the Lord and strengthen our community's future leaders with a firm foundation in biblical truth.
Student Ministry Upcoming Events (click the event photos for more info)
5th Quarter
Fields of Faith 10/12 We Leave at 4:30
Trunk or Treat 10-26 at 6pm in the MAC (Costume Contest)